2020, what a year! A year that has been the most dramatic and unpredictable one so far since the break of this century. The events that have laced this year has been most chaotic and unprecedented, and the world was never prepared for such crisis. The outbreak of coronavirus across the world came and worsened an already terrible situation. The rate of suicide keeps going up. There is hopelessness almost everywhere you turn and people simply can’t find a reason to keep living.


Life has become tougher for many people out there, and they are caving in under its weight daily. From making tough decisions, to battling job loss, houses going into foreclosure, struggles with destructive habits that they can't seem to overcome, battling divorce, a child that left home for an unknown destination, or looking for ways to pay off heavy debts. 


The list of life's troubles is truly endless and all these and more makes living from one day to another very tough. Do you know that every believer is an agent of hope? Sadly, in reality this is not so. Many believers have lost their hope and are dejected. They are no different from the rest of the world. But wait a minute! Do you know that you can inspire hope in your office or business place?


Let’s take a deeper dive into this article


Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 You can Inspire Hope

3.0 God the Father Apparel, your tool of Hope

4.0 How to give Hope



You too Can Inspire Hope…

Amidst the tears, chaos and hopelessness, I’ve come to let you know today child of God, that you can inspire hope as you go about your day to day business. One of the reasons we were saved is to be a tool for the salvation of others, and to do this, you and I need to let the world know that there is a way out of all the hardships they’re going through. Let them know that there is a better way for them in Christ. 


You want to hear the truth? You can change people's outlook, help put God’s word of hope in people’s faces wherever you find yourself, especially in the marketplace.


Hope given to the weary is like water poured upon a dry ground and cold water to a thirsty soul. It refreshes the soul, clears the mind, motivate and encourage people, strengthening them to cross hurdles, scale heights and keep moving forward and fighting till they win. 


 As a child of God, you're not part of the problem, you’re rather a solution. A light, one who is to restore lost hopes. But have you ever stopped to imagine what goes on in heaven anytime you give hope to the hopeless and make the troubled see reasons to live again? I tell you, there Is joy on the Father's face and I know your rewards are waiting. 


I can almost hear you ask; “how do I pull this off? How would people find hope through me? Here is the answer…


God the Father Apparel, Your Tool of Hope…

Jesus is hope personified and when a person finds Him, hopelessness gives way to hope, and despair to joy. At God the father apparels, we partner with Jesus through people like you reading this right now, to bring hope to our world. Through our Scripture – inscribed Tees and hoodies like; “More power in numbers,” “Overcome doubt,” “Isaiah 41:10,” you can check out our “lookbook” and bestsellers to see our products. 


Have you heard the saying before that when God wants to do something on earth, He uses a person? Nothing can be further than the truth. As the light of the world that you are, God expects us to be ambassadors and Dispensers of hope wherever we find ourselves.  


one who is a prisoner of hope. Pragmatically hopeful, not seeing how things won't get better…


How to Inspire Hope


  • Be Hopeful

This is where it begins from. You can't give what you don’t have, so inspiring hope in others begins with you. You must first be hopeful before you can bring hope to others. Hope is contagious, thus when you're hopeful, it reflects in your conversation and the kind of energy you exude and before you know it, everyone who comes around you or that you meet with, work or communicate with will see hope even in the most hopeless situations of their lives.  


  • Share Your Story of Rescue From Hopelessness 

A caption on your T-shirt or hoodie should tell your story perfectly, sparking up conversations. By this, you're invariably telling them to make lemonade out of every lemon life hands them. Your clothing can open the door to share with people and encourage them in the midst of their storms.  


Nothing gives people hope like heartfelt words of encouragement that touches the heart printed on fabrics, telling them to continually look for a silver lining in every dark cloud. 


Once they find hope, teach them to give hope to others….

Givers never lack and whatever you give, multiplies. When you give hope, your "hope reserves" takes a leap of increase. It's a biblical principle that will forever work. "Give and It shall be given unto you…."


In all we do, we must keep pointing people to Jesus, making them realize that there is always a way out of the mess and rubles. Not by preaching at them because they may likely repel us but by being subtle in our style and having a dress sense that sparks up godly conversations and at God  the Father Apparel, we exist to solve this problem, visit our store today to start your journey into dispensing hope to your world  


Many people admire and look up to you. A hoodie, T-shirt or face cap with encouraging and hope - Inspiring words inscribed on them will make a lasting Impression and bring hope to the hopeless around you. 

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