How Your Clothing Can Spread God's Word

How Your Clothing Can Spread God's Word
What would you do if I told you there are perfect and phenomenal ways to spread the name and the word of God to people within your neighbourhood and community without having to open your mouth?
It’s difficult to put words together to start spreading the gospel and even when you find the right words, they are hard to actually express the way you want. It may seem difficult to find the power to let those words flow and deliver a message the way you intend them to. Don’t worry, because you’re not alone.
That’s why in this post, you’ll learn the secret to winning your world for God and making an eternal impact on the people you come across in your day to day living.
- What do you do when you can’t seem to find words to share about God?
- Whatever you do, do it for Him
The Truth About How You Dress
Apart from the primary purpose of clothing as a means of covering our nakedness, our clothing is principally a direct reflection of our personality, our profession, peculiar living and work environment, our passion, culture, purpose, beliefs and faith.
Let’s just cut to the chase, our clothing play a very important role in our lives. It gives us definition and identity. They say you are what you eat and oh! So true, but that saying will not be complete if I fail to add that, you are what you wear. Before anyone interacts with you or even meets you very closely, your dress sense has already introduced you and spoken volumes about you to them.
“You dress the way you want to be addressed,” is a popular saying which implies that, our clothing make well - understood, distinct and deliberate statements even when our mouths are closed. The dress we wear stirs up certain feelings, perceptions and conclusions in those who see us wearing them. There are outfits that stir up confidence, hope, faith and there are outfits that stir up sensuality. Many apparels also are made to achieve particular purposes by their style, the inscription on them and their color just to mention a few. The truth is, the dress we wear is of great importance and can be used to publish great messages to people within our community and the world at large.
Statistics have shown, that 55% of our communication is nonverbal, generated by our face and body, 38% from how we speak and 7% from the actual words we speak (verbal communication). From this, we can see that nonverbal communication is in fact more powerful than verbal, because it adds meaning and life to whatever we say.
Why am I taking you through this route?
It is because our clothing can be a very effective means of nonverbal communication of various messages to achieve our unique purposes.
What do you do when you can’t seem to find words to share about our God The Father?
Simple and straightforward,
Turn the apparels you wear into outstanding strategies for speaking to people. This way, you would reach out to more people and affect more lives for God in your community than you would have done if you are to reach them through just words (verbal communication.)
Many times we find ourselves living and working in environments where verbal communication with neighbours and colleagues is very scanty, this becomes even worse when it is difficult to have substantial time to engage people in meaningful conversations with the message of the Gospel. It becomes absolutely devastating if you live in certain places where verbal communication on issues that border on God are prohibited. One of the ways to effectively and stylishly communicate is by the clothes we wear.
….and good news!!!!!
This is why God the Father Apparel exists, to produce beautiful, yet affordable apparels which are made deliberately to speak, preach and communicate messages about God to our world, in all situations and at all times.
When apparels designed to publish God’s name and His word are worn, everyone that can read, seeing the person wearing it, is reached by the message on the apparel. This strategy of nonverbal communication reaches more people than any verbal means of communication because it has been statistically proven that even when nonverbal and verbal communication do not align, people usually take the nonverbal (in this case, the inscription on your clothing) over the verbal.
Take this from me, wearing apparels that has messages about God on them is a sure way of communication that will send your messages out fast, helping you reach more people with God’s Word than you would have reached using words.
Whatever you do, do it for God
In several places in God’s words, Christians are charged to do all things for the glory of God and as unto God and not men. When the Bible says “all things,” our mode of dressing was not excluded, as a matter of truth, it was factored in.
As we journey in our walk with God, we’ve got to get to that point, where we do not just dress according to popular trends or to please ourselves but rather, to win souls into God's kingdom. While there is nothing wrong with fashion trends, we should bear in mind that we cannot be God the Father’s fan, if everything we do is not about HIM.
People out there are fans of different things or people, ranging from footballers to music stars, fashion icons and public figures generally. While this is not a crime and it is not out of place to have fans, God is also looking out for a breed of people who are not ashamed to be called His fans, a set of people; men and women, who are not ashamed to carry God on their heads, talking about Him in all things and wherever they find themselves.
No doubts you really want to share Jesus with someone out there, you want to be able to unveil the love of God the Father to them but you just don’t know how to start. Have you ever been stuck, not knowing what to say or how to start a conversation when you want to preach God the Father to people around your neighbourhood or your colleagues?
What if I told you that there are Christian clothing brands designed uniquely, that get your evangelism done for you at the lowest price possible?
Well, look no further because I have found you a solution.
To every problem, there is a solution and at God the Father Apparel, we are the solution to sharing the name and word of God through clothing. With us, you would be clothed from head to toe with branded wears that will start up conversations that could help you break the ice when you have to share the gospel and also make a lasting impact on people, making them think about life after death during the course of their day and these wears range from Christian hoodie, Christian t-shirts, Christian Dad Hats, Christian hooded pullover to all kinds of wears you may need.
Instead of bothering yourself about how to put your words together and even muster the strength and courage to start saying those words, why don’t you let your clothing do the talking for you?
Why not let your dress start up a godly conversation on your behalf today?
Let me ask you this…
Where would you have been if nobody went out of their way to share the gospel with you? When you appear before God at the end of your life, what would you say when you are asked about the many people you could have saved from the danger of an eternity in hell, which you did nothing about even when your branded clothing could have done the job for you? Do not be deceived, we were saved to also arise for the salvation of others. If you can’t witness to them, pray for them. If you can’t pray for them, invite them to church but in all, your clothing shows God more to people than any other thing and by all means, we must arise for their salvation as much as it lies within our power.
Let’s be honest, a good dress sense that spread God’s name and His word do not only work wonders in the art of evangelism, it is truly priceless and life-changing.
Tell me, how inspiring will it be, if before you could open your mouth to share the gospel, your Christian Clothing, t-shirt or hoodie has done the preaching for you?
Can you for a moment imagine the surge in God the Father’s pleasure for every soul saved because you got creative about evangelism? Can you picture the treasures laid up for you when we get back home in heaven and the ones you start stand to enjoy here on earth?
Every average person you meet out there hates to be preached at and they develop thick walls as soon as you start sharing the gospel with them. Why not embrace the stylish way of sharing God’s word with people around you by the clothing you wear? Visit us today at God the Father Apparel to get equipped to share the gospel everywhere you go.
God the Father Clothing Brand… let your clothing do the talking for you.
This article speaks volume on why we should dress for God and not to “fit in”. Love the way it’s expressed also with concrete informations that lead us to know more about it in a physical sense but also in a biblical way. Love the work that’s being done and love that the purpose of it, is to push the Kingdom. May God keep increasing the worth and the identity of the brand.
Absolutely refreshing and informative. It’s done me a lot of good. Thank you. God bless you
I really like the post that you shared with us, I am fond of reading these type of aricles.
Thanks for Sharing!!
Absolutely awesome..Thank you for this.
Aboslutley love this!
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